Tag Archives: XP

Slides do Maré de Agilidade Fortaleza – 2009

Typically chemist’s shop can sale to you with discreet treatments for various soundness problems. There are numerous of safe online pharmacies that will deliver medications to your address. There are divers medicines for each afflictions. Learn more about “viagra manufacturer coupon“. Maybe “viagra discount coupons” is a much complicated question. Matters, like “coupons for viagra“, are connected numerous types of health problems. If you need to take recipe medications, ask your dispenser to check your testosterone levels before. Sometimes the treatment options may include erectile dysfunction remedies or a suction device that helps get an erection. Keep in mind web-site which is ready to sell erectile dysfunction drugs like Viagra without a recipe is fraudulent. When you purchase from an unknown web-site, you run the risk of getting counterfeit remedies.

Maré de Agilidade

Mare de Agilidade

Ontem começou o Maré de Agilidade com o curso RR11 de Ruby on Rails da Caelum com o Fábio Kung, que não precisa de apresentações [se você não sabe quem é Fábio Kung então mude de profissão].

Como o Kung está indo integrar o time da Locaweb, [apesar de continuar como instrutor na Caelum] essa é a última oportunidade de tê-lo conosco para ministrar esse curso, a turma foi agraciada com a sorte.

mare na Milfont Consulting

Na quinta e na sexta acontecerão os minicursos oficiais do Maré de Agilidade com o Manoel Pimentel da Visão Ágil e a turma da empresa SEA Tecnologia [ Renato Willi, Bruno Pedroso e Alexandre Gomes], ambos organizadores do evento.

No sábado acontecerão as palestras com todos que ministraram/rão cursos além de Clavius Tales, Fabiano Milani da Adaptworks e um tal de Christiano Milfont.

Todos os minicursos estão com vagas esgotadas, se você quiser ainda participar do Maré de Agilidade, corra para a inscrição das palestras enquanto há tempo.

Para finalizar o Maré, a Adaptworks promove o curso “Planejamento e estimativas em projetos ágeis”, através do telefone (11)5585-7738 ou pelo e-mail contato@adaptworks.com.br na sede do CGDT.

Typically chemist’s shop can sale to you with discreet treatments for various health problems. There are numerous of safe online pharmacies that will deliver medications to your address. There are divers medicines for each afflictions. Learn more about “viagra manufacturer coupon“. Maybe “viagra discount coupons” is a very much complicated question. Matters, like “coupons for viagra“, are united numerous types of health problems. If you need to take formula medications, ask your dispenser to check your testosterone levels before. Sometimes the treatment options may include erectile dysfunction remedies or a suction device that helps get an hard-on. Keep in mind web-site which is ready to sell erectile disfunction drugs like Viagra without a prescription is fraudulent. When you purchase from an unknown web-site, you run the risk of getting counterfeit remedies.

Palestra Test Driven Development

Palestra realizada no evento do grupo XPCE em 28/03/2009.

Typically chemist’s shop can sale to you with discreet treatments for various health problems. There are numerous of safe online pharmacies that will deliver medications to your address. There are divers medicines for each afflictions. Learn more about “viagra manufacturer coupon“. Maybe “viagra discount coupons” is a extremely complicated problem. Matters, like “coupons for viagra“, are connected numerous types of health problems. If you need to take prescription medications, ask your dispenser to check your testosterone levels before. Sometimes the treatment options may turn on erectile disfunction remedies or a suction device that helps get an erection. Keep in mind web-site which is ready to sell erectile malfunction drugs like Viagra without a prescription is fraudulent. When you purchase from an unknown web-site, you run the risk of getting counterfeit remedies.