Qu Est Ce Que Le Learning Agreement

What is a Learning Agreement?

A Learning Agreement is a document that outlines the objectives, activities and expected outcomes of a student`s learning experience. It is typically used in the context of an exchange program, where a student studies at a foreign institution for a set period of time. The document is designed to facilitate communication between the student, the sending and receiving institutions, and to ensure that the student`s chosen courses are appropriate and will be recognized by their home institution.

Why is a Learning Agreement Important?

A Learning Agreement is important for several reasons. Firstly, it ensures that the student`s chosen courses are appropriate for their academic program and that they will receive credit for their studies. This is important for students who are studying abroad, as they may be taking courses that are not offered at their home institution. Secondly, the Learning Agreement helps to establish clear expectations for the student`s learning experience. This includes the objectives of the student`s program, the activities that they will be undertaking, and the expected outcomes of their studies. Finally, the Learning Agreement helps to ensure that the student and their home institution are aware of any administrative requirements or formalities that need to be completed as part of the exchange program.

How is a Learning Agreement Created?

A Learning Agreement is typically created in collaboration between the student, their home institution, and the receiving institution. The process of creating a Learning Agreement typically involves the following steps:

1. Identification of Objectives: The student, in consultation with their academic advisor, identifies the objectives of their learning experience. This may include academic goals, personal development goals, or language acquisition goals.

2. Course Selection: The student selects the courses that they wish to undertake, in consultation with their academic advisor and the receiving institution.

3. Agreement Confirmation: The institutions involved in the exchange program review the proposed Learning Agreement, and confirm that it is appropriate and feasible.

4. Signatures: The Learning Agreement is signed by the student, their academic advisor, and representatives from both the sending and receiving institutions.

5. Execution: The student begins their studies at the receiving institution, and is responsible for meeting the objectives and fulfilling the requirements outlined in the Learning Agreement.

In conclusion, a Learning Agreement is an important document that helps to facilitate communication and ensure that students receive appropriate credit for their studies. It is a valuable tool for students, academic advisors, and institutions involved in exchange programs, as it helps to establish clear expectations and objectives for the student`s learning experience. As a result, a well-executed Learning Agreement can help ensure a successful and rewarding exchange program for all parties involved.