Subject Verb Agreement Examples Singular

Subject-verb agreement is a crucial aspect of the English language. It refers to the correct matching of a subject with its corresponding verb. In the English language, the verb must agree with the subject in number. This means that if the subject is singular, the verb must also be singular. In this article, we will explore some examples of subject-verb agreement in the singular form.

Example 1: The dog barks.

In this example, the subject is “the dog,” which is singular. The verb that corresponds with the subject is “barks,” which is also singular. Therefore, this sentence is an example of correct subject-verb agreement in the singular form.

Example 2: My sister and I run every morning.

In this example, the subject is “my sister and I,” which is plural. However, the verb that corresponds with the subject is “run,” which is singular. This sentence is an example of incorrect subject-verb agreement in the singular form. The correct version of this sentence would be “My sister and I each run every morning.”

Example 3: The car belonging to my neighbor is blue.

In this example, the subject is “the car belonging to my neighbor,” which is singular. The verb that corresponds with the subject is “is,” which is also singular. Therefore, this sentence is an example of correct subject-verb agreement in the singular form.

Example 4: One of the students in the class always forgets their homework.

In this example, the subject is “one of the students in the class,” which is singular. However, the verb that corresponds with the subject is “forgets,” which is singular. This sentence is an example of incorrect subject-verb agreement in the singular form. The correct version of this sentence would be “One of the students in the class always forgets his or her homework.”

Example 5: The book on the table belongs to me.

In this example, the subject is “the book on the table,” which is singular. The verb that corresponds with the subject is “belongs,” which is also singular. Therefore, this sentence is an example of correct subject-verb agreement in the singular form.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is an important aspect of the English language. It is essential to match the subject with the corresponding verb in number. As demonstrated in the examples above, when the subject is singular, the verb must also be singular. By understanding and using correct subject-verb agreement in writing, we can communicate effectively and efficiently.