Tag Archives: xpce

Palestra Test Driven Development

Palestra realizada no evento do grupo XPCE em 28/03/2009.

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Palestra Behaviour Driven Development

Palestra realizada no evento do grupo XPCE em 28/03/2009.

Typically chemist’s shop can sale to you with discreet treatments for various soundness problems. There are numerous of safe online pharmacies that will deliver medications to your address. There are divers medicines for each afflictions. Learn more about “viagra manufacturer coupon“. Maybe “viagra discount coupons” is a very much complicated matter. Matters, like “coupons for viagra“, are connected numerous types of health problems. If you need to take formula medications, ask your pharmacist to check your testosterone levels before. Sometimes the treatment options may include erectile disfunction remedies or a suction device that helps get an erection. Keep in mind web-site which is ready to sell erectile disfunction drugs like Viagra without a recipe is fraudulent. When you purchase from an unknown web-site, you run the risk of getting counterfeit remedies.

Primeiro Encontro XPCE – Mudanças na grade

Devido a problemas de saúde do palestrante Igo Coelho, sua palestra foi cancelada e vai ser realizar no próximo evento provavelmente. A programação continua apenas com uma palestra:

09:00 – 10:20

Palestra: Começando a usar BDD e TDD
Resumo: Se você nunca entendeu como é que se escreve testes antes do código ou ainda não conseguiu uma forma satisfatória de seguir essa prática, aproveite essa oportunidade onde dissecaremos Test Driven Development até convencê-lo de que essa é a abordagem profissional adequada, além disso facilitaremos a compreensão em um nível mais abstrato com Behaviour Driven Development agilizando o mergulho de cabeça nessa forma de modelar código saudável e eficiente.
Palestrante: Christiano Milfont, coordenador do grupo XPCE e um cara que gosta de programar.

Local: Fortes Informática.

Endereço: Rua Antônio Fortes, 330, Bairro Edson Queiroz, próximo ao antigo Hiper Mercantil da Washington Soares. Localização com o Google Maps.

Data: Dia 28/03/2009 [sábado] das 09:00h as 12:00h na sala de treinamentos 1.

XPCE – Grupo de Extreme Programming do Ceará.


Typically chemist’s shop can sale to you with discreet treatments for various health problems. There are numerous of safe online pharmacies that will deliver medications to your address. There are divers medicines for each afflictions. Learn more about “viagra manufacturer coupon“. Maybe “viagra discount coupons” is a very complicated question. Matters, like “coupons for viagra“, are connected numerous types of health problems. If you need to take recipe medications, ask your pharmacist to check your testosterone levels before. Sometimes the treatment options may switch on erectile dysfunction remedies or a suction device that helps get an erection. Keep in mind web-site which is ready to sell erectile disfunction drugs like Viagra without a prescription is fraudulent. When you purchase from an unknown web-site, you run the risk of getting counterfeit remedies.